Malaysia Vision Valley

The vision for the development was to create a new city that offers an exemplary environment to live, work, and enjoy, and attract local and international investment.

Malaysian Government and Seremban State Government


27,500 acres

Development Plan Completed 2018

Boston Design Group-Brunsfield Development
Buro Happold, infrastructure planning & engineering
Utile, urban design
OverUnder, architect
KMDG, landscape architect

Image Credits
Design Distill

Working as the prime consultant, KMDG led the vision and development plan for a new city on 27,500 acres of palm plantation land in Malaysia. The vision for the development was to create a new city that offers an exemplary environment to live, work, enjoy and attract local and international investment.

The plan established six development parcels which were derived from previous studies to support Smart Growth principals, sustainability goals and objectives, and a CleanTech Development Corridor concept. The parcels included a high tech and light industrial manufacturing facilities; a premier downtown central business district; a comprehensive regional athletic district; an academic district; a healthcare and wellness institutional district; and a tourist and entertainment district adjacent to the Straits of Malacca to reinforce Port Dickson tourism.

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